Scanning Pens

Do spend your time copying out from the book the same text that is in the book for your course notes or revision. Well look what I’ve found!!! Wireless Digital Highlighter.


A Digital Highlighter is bridging the gap between analogue print on paper and the endless possibilities of the digital world. Just like a yellow highlighter you simply swipe the highlighter along the text line you are reading. But instead of a yellow mark the text is captured and digitized. With the text in your smartphone or your computer you can easily process it further. Maybe you want to capture quotes from a book. Maybe you realize the you learn easier when listening to text as you read – instead of just reading it. Or you have a need to capture data into your business system or to translate text. If this is you, then a digital highlighter is likely to make your life easier.3.5product-500x500
Support Windows, MAC OSX and Android.