Good evening everyone, and welcome to the latest ASN FREE Q & A session on the CV writing and Job hunting with Ashley Shaw. If you have any questions, please post a comment below. Please be aware, if any questions are left unanswered, then they will be answered at a later time. And thank you all for participating… over to you, who has the first question?
Nisha Mistry Mines gone.on to three pages. So.what way for cut it down
Ashley Shaw take a look through it and take out anything that you would not see as helpful to the job you’re applying for. The personal statement, for example should only be 2 paragraphs, as if it is any longer, you may run the risk of regurgitating your CV should you get to the interview stage. also look at the qualifications section and make sure they are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

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Natasha EverardGroup admin How do you write the perfect covering letter?
Ashley Shaw that’s a tough one haha. I won’t use the word perfect, i feel “Ideal” is better for this, but the Ideal covering letter will show that you have done a little research on the company to show why you want to work for them. This will show that you’re proa…See more
Ashley Shaw the Ideal Cover Letter should also only be 1 page long.

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Sharon Rodgers Should you bullet point what you do in current job or elaborate on everything?
Ashley Shaw as you are limited in space (maximum 2 pages) bullet point. This will then give you chance to expand on these things at the interview stage.

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Natasha EverardGroup admin Do you research the company you are applying for a job with?
Ashley Shaw 100% yes. Not only does this show initiative, it also gives you the opportunity to look at the company and decide if you truly want to work for them. There is nothing worse than starting a job, only to find out it is an awful organisation.
Jennifer Burnett I’m never sure how best to show them that I have done some research, any tips on how to do that without sounding corny?
Ashley Shaw the “about us” section of their website is probably sufficient, however, if you manage to find anything else, that will be a bonus. it shows that you have taken time out of your day to look at the organisation.
Ashley Shaw the best way to show you have done it is by asking them questions in the interview. (a point i was coming to later). Have a list of 3 questions that you want to ask about the company that do not include salary as they will probably ask you your expectation in the interview or they will have it on the listing.

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Waqas Mahmood Hi first of all I would like to thank you for providing this chance.
My first question is regarding cv.
I don’t have any accountancy related work back ground. How do I write a cv to impress employer?
My first question is regarding cv.
I don’t have any accountancy related work back ground. How do I write a cv to impress employer?
Ashley Shaw This would be done in the qualifications section. while you may not have any real world experience in accountancy, the fact that the AAT is a practical course, means that you have the ability to be able to perform the job.
Waqas Mahmood Ashley Shaw is it normal to sound very ambitious in the cv or covering letter

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Sharon Rodgers Do you need to put school grades onto CV’s still or is an employer mainly looking for experience?
Waqas Mahmood I would say you should because they are your achievement at the end of the day.
Ashley Shaw absolutely, an employer will want to know what levels you have achieved. this could also be the tipping point that sets you apart from other candidates.
Sharon Rodgers Ashley Shaw I sat my exams in 1989 and honestly I know what I passed but can’t remember any grades so would I just write the subjects ?

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Jethro Chipenzi what information do include on my personal summary when i applying for the entry level junior bookkeeper with no experience especially when i applying using aat level 2 and what are my duties or responsibilities i must include on that section
Ashley Shaw I would include what you have studied so far. Unfortunately I am only giving general advice tonight and not specific improvements that you personally can make to your CV.

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Mei Phillips I have other accounting qualification and also experience from a different country. Should I add it in?
Ashley Shaw Absolutely. it shows you have experience on working with a number of different accounting regulations, something which large Multinationals will probably be looking for.

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Nisha Mistry This question,, but the.question what is your weakness always get me. Any advice
Waqas Mahmood Following
I struggle with answering these kind of questions. Can’t list my weaknesses or strengths
I struggle with answering these kind of questions. Can’t list my weaknesses or strengths

Ashley Shaw DO NOT try and turn a positive into a negative. Think of an area of yourself that you think needs improvement, honesty is the best policy. However, don’t make it so bad that it may cost you the job.

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Natalie Marek Böttcher In what order would be best to write your CV, what should you put as first, second,…last
Ashley Shaw personal details at the top, then personal statement, qualifications, work experience.
Ashley Shaw also, remember that you will be applying for professional jobs, so make sure the CV looks professional.

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Emma Henthorn What should the structure be at the beginning of your cv?
Ashley Shaw personal details at the top, then personal statement, qualifications, work experience.
Ashley Shaw Yes. you need to sell yourself from the start and this is one of the best ways of getting your personality across.
Emma Henthorn Would you bullet point this. I was advised to bullet stating keys skills and achievements
Ashley Shaw No. i personally feel that a bullet pointed personal statement comes across robotic.

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Nadine Peckover How far back do you go in qualifications and employment history?
Ashley Shaw keep the qualifications relevant to the job. I would say the last 6 years. However, if you have taken an extended break from education, then the most recent one. work wise, 5 years. If there are any gaps in employment, make sure you can justify them.

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Ashley Shaw The CV is all about selling yourself. This is why your personal statement has to grab the attention of the employer as if they are bored of reading that section, chances are, they will not read the rest. They have to see a snapshot of you on the page, but not so much that you have nothing to expand on in the interview. However, if you have something in common with them, you will be fine.

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Brendan Sweeney im struggling how to word this. i never get asked for interview and i have no relevant work experience and most education is way past the time frame you mentioned earlier. this being the case its the personal statement that i need to put more effort into to sell myself?
Ashley Shaw i would say so, yes. I would include your Accounting studies in the education section and mention that you are not yet qualified, but are working towards it. Just make sure that the personal statement is a balance of professional and catchy, so that potential employers want to carry on reading it.

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Natasha EverardGroup admin Does anyone have any further questions? What a great Q & A this evening!! Thank you Ashley Shaw for your time this evening!!
Ashley Shaw My pleasure. If you have any questions that you have forgotten to ask, feel free to contact me on Est Recruitment.

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Ashley Shaw arial size 10 or 12. I would say 12 to begin with, but if it wakes up too much room, take it to 10. Don’t do any smaller than that though.

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Ashley Shaw just to let you all know, i do offer a CV review and proofreading service at Est Recruitment. So if you think you’re missing something, but can’t see what, I will be happy to take a look at it for you and also make sure there are no mistakes in there too.
Emma Henthorn Ashley could we email over our CV or would you prefer other way
Ashley Shaw email would be fine, Emma, although there is a £20 fee for the service.
Ashley Shaw if you want a review of your CV email it

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Emma Henthorn I would be extremely grateful if you would Ashley. Current job searching after 11 years bit daunting!

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Simon Crowley Is “house husband” a good enough reason to cover a nearly 10 year gap in my CV (clean criminal record before anyone asks)
Ashley Shaw Potentially, was there a specific reason for this (no need to go personal on here)?
Ashley Shaw if you can explain the situation, I am sure they will understand.
Simon Crowley Hmm will think on that and try if I can’t find anything

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Simon Crowley So we all know potential employers check social media accounts – is it worth deleting them or going back and censoring them or can employers get access to unfiltered historic feeds?
Ashley Shaw As far as i am aware, no they cannot, but it does make it look like you may have something to hide, so they may put you under undue stress in an interview by asking you awkward questions. remember, everyone has a tell… they will know if you’re skipping something deliberately.
Simon Crowley Oh I only meant the odd photo like being in the moshpit at a Slipknot concert. Doesn’t really scream Accountant

Ashley Shaw There will also be pics of me at bloodstock in a couple of weeks.

Ashley Shaw maybe if a company is going to look down on you for the music you listen to, they’re not the company for you.
Simon Crowley True I just remember a guy I worked for once, he very much turned his nose up at some of us and tried to get us to listen to “The lighthouse family”
Ashley Shaw music in the workplace should be a democratic process. It can make or destroy someones day… or is that just me?
Simon Crowley We could be more sensitive than other people as metal is pretty far from pop. Lot’s of colleagues loved Asda FM, I can’t say I was among them.
Ashley Shaw i have a very diverse taste in music. So I’m ok with most things. haha

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Ashley Shaw does anyone have any more questions for me? If not feel free to contact me on my business page i have tagged in here and give the page a like.
Simon Crowley Is 2 pages still advisable? And any websites you can think we carry a lot of Accountancy jobs?
Ashley Shaw 2 page maximum. You tend to see a lot of the same jobs being advertised on most of the job sites these days as companies want to cast a large net. i would try total jobs, reed and indeed for a start and go from there.

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Nisha Mistry Thank you Ashley for.arranging this and for some.excellent advice

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Ashley Shaw Show it in either your education section or your personal statement.
Ashley Shaw Contrary to popular belief… don’t lie… they will question you on random things and they will be able to tell if you’re making something up.

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Edsta Ed Hi Ashley I have completed AAT level 2 and just wondering if you can give me advice on job hunting. I do not have any exp in accounting.