AAT 2016 New Standards Q & A with Kay Jones and Peter Clarke from Premier Training

Good evening everyone, and welcome to the latest ASN FREE Q & A session on the new AAT 2016 Standards with Peter Clarke and Kay Jonesfrom Premier Training. If you have any questions, please post as a comment below. Please be aware, if any questions are left unanswered, then they will be answered at a later time. And thank you all for participating…..now over to you, who has the first question?

Natasha Everard's photo.
Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke Hello everyone…anyone? 🙂

Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley Good evening everyone

Natasha Everard

Natasha Everard I have a question from Paula Rutter “I’m changing to aq2016 when I start level 4 at the end of this year but I already have materials for fp fs and budgeting will this vary from the exams ?”

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke That’s a good question – and a tricky one to start! Fundamentally, these particular units will be pretty much the same as they are now, however, I must confess I don’t possess the info on these specific units.

Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley so will they sit the set units and then have overall unit exam?


Barry Hall

Barry Hall Claire Oxley Yes there will be individual unit exams and then an overall synoptic assessment exam

Natasha Everard
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Jane Hasler

Jane Hasler Hi all 😊

Natasha Everard

Natasha Everard Another from Paula Rutter will there be more dates available for the synoptic assessments as very limited dates on level 4

Kay Jones

Kay Jones There are no other dates available for L4 synoptics

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke The most recent dates that have been published now are set in stone and won’t change.

Natasha Everard

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Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley doesn’t the assessments vary from different collages or companies you can sit at?

Kay Jones

Kay Jones There will be different assessments selected from a bank but colleges will have no idea what students will access at the centre they sit their assessments

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke No, not really. when you sit an assessment, you will get random choice chosen from a bank of questions. However, task by task will be the same topic area as in the Sample Assessments.

Natasha Everard
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Amy Scott

Amy Scott Hiya. I’m hopefully Almost finished level 3, so then will move onto level 4, is it best to move to 2016 standards or can I stay on 2013?

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Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley This is what I was wondering

Amy Scott

Amy Scott I don’t know what subjects I can do on level 3 and if I don’t finish in time which ones can I transfer over?

Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley You have till the end of next year i believe

Amy Scott

Amy Scott I know September? But can I finish in time?!


Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley yes i think its december 2017

Barry Hall

Barry Hall I would suggest completing Level 3 under old and transitioning to AQ2016 for L4

Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley is the current level 4 ropey?

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke That’s really down to personal choice and what type of learner you are. Due to the new standards including a Synoptic assessment (a summary assessment all of the units in the Level) then it is going to suit students who condense the length of their study as taking a long time to study I suspect may cause skills learned to be lost. However, there will be no project so you need to weigh up what your skills are. I would suggest if you’re that near the end of L3 then enrol immediately on L4.

Amy Scott

Amy Scott Can I transfer the subjects to level 4 though

Amy Scott

Amy Scott As my tutor Peter Clarke do you think I can finish in time?!😉

Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley Amy with the sounds of things you have alot of time until december 2017. So stay on old standards

Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley I like the current standard and really understand and learn better that way

Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley Peter Clarke if you half way through level 3 in august would you enrol onto new standard

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke Amy Scott I would try your best to finish each level on the same standard. If you are leave a level unfinished by December 2017 you can only transfer a limited amount of units across and are therefore at a risk of losing prior achievements if you’re a See more

Amy Scott

Amy Scott OK thanks. Would you say 2016 standards are harder than 2013?

Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley Gulp so they are transferable. so basically they would be a pass standard:(

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke Claire Oxley No – you have until December 2017 to complete your current Level, unless you really wanted to change to the new format which will be graded, unlike now either Competent or Not Yet Competent.

Natasha Everard

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Natasha Everard
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Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley I will sitting level 4 AAT new standard, how that vary from the old and is worth trying to race head

Kay Jones

Kay Jones Although there is not much change in the new standards there are some limitations therefore the best advice is to finish each level on the current standards

Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley So fi you enrol for level 4 before august 2016 will this. how long will you have to complete level 4 on old stanfard

Barry Hall

Barry Hall The last exam under AQ2013 will be 31 December 2017

Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley so if you are on old standard, do you advise to stay on the AQ2013

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke Learning shouldnt be a race – If you’re near the beginning of your L3 I would take your time to learn your subject well and only register for L4 on AQ2016.

Natasha Everard

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Natasha Everard
Natasha Everard Another question from Paula Rutter : Osborne offering synoptic books
how is this possible surely the exams will be random questions across the level

Kay Jones

Kay Jones Publishers will have provided learning materials on the information available to them. However, yes, the questions will change and could be random depending on factors such as the number of students sitting an assessment

Peter Davies

Peter Davies The synoptic questions I believe are questions across the modules not repeats of the assessment questions and are aimed at examining your understanding across a wider area and putting theory into practice?

Natasha Everard

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Kelly Paton

Kelly Paton Hi,I am level 2(just started) what exactly is this change and how will it effect me? I keep seeing people refer to it but not sure what it actually means – thanks in advance

Kay Jones

Kay Jones You have plenty of time to complete the level as the current qualification does not expire until December 2017 – Best advice is to keep studying and keep to your time-table/action plan as near as possible.

Kay Jones

Kay Jones I am sure the AAT will provide study materials such as practice assessments as they do at the moment on the current standardss

Natasha Everard
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Yulia Taylor

Yulia Taylor Yes, it is very interesting question about Osborn books. Also will it be practice assessments for synoptic exams on AAT WEBSITE?

Barry Hall

Barry Hall Both providers and tuition providers/publishers should be providing sample synoptic assessments for students to practice on so you should be well prepared

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke As with AQ2013, there will eventually be 2 Sample assessments for all units and levels.

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke In fact the AAT have already published 1 x AQ2016 Synoptic assessments for each level.

Yulia Taylor

Yulia Taylor Oh it’s good. I will have to look

Natasha Everard
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Natasha Everard

Natasha Everard do we know what units are not transferable to the new standards should we run out of time to complete on 2013 standards

Kay Jones

Kay Jones Yes we do but due to the limit of RPL that can be used (50%) it is advisable to try to complete the unit before December 2017

Natasha Everard

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Helen Gunston

Helen Gunston Hiya I heard that you have to wait 6 weeks for the results of the synoptic exam does this mean you would be able to start any study towards the next level at all while waiting – I am guessing not?

Kay Jones

Kay Jones Yes, as is the case at the moment there should be nothing to stop you studying the next level. The only limitation would be that it is advisable to complete units before entering a synoptic.

Natasha Everard
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Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley Are AAT putting their exam costs up and so the new standards cost significantly more?

Kay Jones

Kay Jones At the moment I am sure AAT are not going to put the prices up but obviously this may change nearer the time of the introduction of the new standards

Edna Nebojša Nebojša

Edna Nebojša Nebojša when is the deadline to enrol on the 2013 syllabus ??

Kay Jones

Kay Jones You can only enrol from the 1st September 2016

Edna Nebojša Nebojša

Edna Nebojša Nebojša Kay Jones sorry I meant I would like to enrol on 2013 syllabus is the deadline before 31 August 2016??

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke …last enrolments for AQ2013 is 31st August 2016.

Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley so like now you are doing bookkeeping, i would suggest you call your provider and upgrade for full AAT then you have till dec 2017 to complete level 2

Edna Nebojša Nebojša

Edna Nebojša Nebojša Claire Oxley I’m registered on AAT level 2 and bookkeeping but I will double check

Natasha Everard
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Helen Gunston

Helen Gunston I was a bit worried to hear that any exam exemptions would only register as a pass grade which could possibly bring down your overall Pass, Merit, Distinction grading?

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke Hi Helen Gunston That’s right any units transferred will only be at a 70% (including Work Based Evidence & Recognition of Prior Learning) However, you can resit any unit to try and achieve a higher score without risk of what is already achieved.

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke …and it’s only the overall level that is graded Pass, Merit or Distinction. Individual unit assessments will be awarded a % mark, but each will have a different weighting so it’s not straightforward how your final grade will be awarded.

Helen Gunston

Helen Gunston That is useful to know, many thanks Peter

Natasha Everard

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Yulia Taylor

Yulia Taylor I am on level 2 now. As I understand, I should enroll to level 3 till September 2016, to be able to stay in old standards. So what about level 4? When is deadline for it. Or is it also September 2016?

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke The deadline for all AQ2013 Assessments & Achievement is December 2017. However, to study any Level on AQ2013 you must register before the end of August 2016.

Natasha Everard
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Kay Jones

Kay Jones Yes this is the case therefore essential that you try to complete the level you are studying. However you do have an option to take the assessment again on the new standards.

Natasha Everard

Natasha Everard The ISYS project plays a big part of level 4…how is this reflected in the 2016 standards?

Kay Jones

Kay Jones Yes, previously a big part of level 4 – however this will be tested by synoptic assessment and although it won’t be as lengthy as the previous report it will require similar skills and knowledge

Natasha Everard
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Sally-Ann Looker

Sally-Ann Looker Hi I am currently level 2 would you advise to do level 3 on new standards. So level 3 and 4 are the same standard. Or try and start level 3 on old to be same as level 2? Thanks

Barry Hall

Barry Hall Hi Sall. I would say its personal choice. You have until 31 December 2017 under AQ2013 so if you feel you can complete L3 by then, then its your choice. My advice would be complete L2 under old syllabus and transfer to the new syllabus from Sept 16.

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke It depends where you are and whether your current level is realistically achievable before 31st August. from memory you;re only a couple of units in to L2, so I’d say complete L2 first, ensuring you have a good understanding, and then see where you are. AQ2016 is nothing to worry about – the topics are all pretty much the same, it’s just assessed slightly differently.

Sally-Ann Looker

Sally-Ann Looker Thanks Peter your memory is correct I have CJBS on Friday.

Natasha Everard

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Natasha Everard

Natasha Everard Can a student enrol now on 2,3&4 and complete them on 2013 standards even if they start 3 or 4 after September? This has been a question asked in this group.

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke Yes, you could, but it would be a tall order for most to achieve all three levels before December 2017.

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke Of course one advantage of AQ2016 is the grading system which will be of interest to many as it will allow students to demonstrate their aptitude and ability against their peers whereas at the moment everyone simply gets the same result however good they are above 70%

Natasha Everard

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Yulia Taylor

Yulia Taylor So what is happening if somebody is not in time to complete their level till September 2017?

Yulia Taylor

Yulia Taylor Let’s say one or 2 assessments left.

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke This could potentially be a problem for some students come December 2017. As more than 50% of AQ2016 achievements MUST be from external assessment sat under AQ2016 (as I understand it) Therefore some students will be in a position where they may lose a significant chuck of their achievement to date under AQ2013. It’s not clear at the moment whether you will get a choice or not of which eligible units you will be able to transfer across to AQ2016, but my advice is don;t dilly dally on AQ2013 and leave it until the last minute!

Natasha Everard
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Paula Rutter
Paula Rutter hello sorry late to the party
a lot of people are rushing to finish level 4 on 2013 standards but surely it’s better to start a new level on 2016 standards and take it as it comes. it’s not a race after all

Kay Jones

Kay Jones If you don’t commence level 4 shortly I agree you could wait and enrol on the new standards if you don’t want to rush studying and possibly having to re-sit. Personal choice as you have until December 2017 so it depends on how much time you are prepared to put in to meet deadlines.

Natasha Everard
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Sam Cole

Sam Cole Hi, sorry just joined may have answered already. I am part way through level 3 what happens if I don’t finish by December?

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke December 2017! But this is answered above…

Natasha Everard

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Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke This is hard work trying to keep up with all the threads – apologies if we’ve missed anything – I’ll make sure we do our best to get answers to anything we’ve missed! 🙂

Natasha Everard

Natasha Everard Does anyone else have any questions for our Guests? Its a great Q & A, isnt it!

Sam Cole

Sam Cole Never made one before, really useful:)

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke Natasha keeps a record on here of all the previous ones, too…might be worth a look!

Natasha Everard
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Helen Gunston

Helen Gunston Thanks for arranging this Natasha, it has been very useful 🙂

Natasha Everard

Natasha Everard I have a Q & a planned for most weeks and would love to extend the invite to all providers to participate.

Sally-Ann Looker

Sally-Ann Looker No just like to say thank you for the help and information provided

Barry Hall

Barry Hall Peter and Kay have been great at answering all the questions. Very useful!!!

Natasha Everard
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Yulia Taylor

Yulia Taylor Thank you. It is very good

Barry Hall

Barry Hall Thanks for inviting me Natasha Everard

Natasha Everard

Natasha Everard Just like to say Kay and Peter Clarke thank you for answering all the question this evening!!

Kay Jones

Kay Jones We hope all students are happy with responses – we would be happy to answers any other questions.

Natasha Everard

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Yulia Taylor

Yulia Taylor Sorry for the late question. How many resist of assessment under the new standards?

Kay Jones

Kay Jones If you are over 19 there is no restriction on re-sits

Yulia Taylor
Yulia Taylor Oh it’s good to know, thank you Kay Jones.
At least one reason to be happy about my age 😊

Natasha Everard

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Sam Cole

Sam Cole Yes thank you

Jane Hasler

Jane Hasler Thanks all, another resourceful and helpful Q&A! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke I’d say to everyone AQ2016 is absolutely nothing to worry about as long as you keep up with your study. The biggest change clearly is the introduction of the Synoptic Assessments which is going to include assessment of topics across the whole level.

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke So when studying, make sure you are absolutely studying to learn your subject – and not just pass, as you need it all for the Synoptic.

Natasha Everard
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Claire Oxley

Claire Oxley Thank you very much for answering everyone’s questions. Much appreciated.

Yulia Taylor

Yulia Taylor Natasha, thank you for organizing this wonderful session. Thank you Peter Clarke and Kay Kay Jones.

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke …keep ’em coming, we’ve got 7 minutes to go 🙂

Sam Cole

Sam Cole Not sure if you saw my question? I am part way through level 3 when do I need to complete by before I need to change?

Barry Hall

Barry Hall Hi sam…You have till 31 December 2017

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke Sorry Sam Cole – you have until December 2017 to complete your current studies under AQ2013.

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke I would recommend completing L3 as you are and then enroling on L4 AQ2016

Sam Cole

Sam Cole Thank you:)

Natasha Everard

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Jane Hasler

Jane Hasler Hi Sam, you have until Dec 31st 2017 to complete the 2013 standards, so that is ample time to finish your level 3 😊


Sam Cole

Sam Cole Thank you, wasn’t sure if I needed to complete by december 🙂that’s a weight off. Really appreciate this group and all of the comments etc:)

Kay Jones

Kay Jones Try to keep consistently studying and you should have no problem in finishing by the due deadline. Study thoroughly and ensure you know your subject before completing assessments or exams as rushing assessments can sometimes slow you down overall.

Sam Cole

Sam Cole Kay Jones thanks, struggling to retain any info and have to re read everything before moving on.

Kay Jones

Kay Jones Sometimes it is good to complete practice assessments to test your knowledge as some students find reading over and over again may not work for them as individual learning styles are important.

Kay Jones

Kay Jones Sam – just a thought can you learn to drive by reading a book or go in for your driving test!!!

Sam Cole

Sam Cole That’s true, just finding level 3 a lot harder than 2, finding the time retaining the info. I really enjoy it when I get stuck in but it’s the getting stuck in:/

Natasha Everard

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Mei Phillips

Mei Phillips Sorry for late question…for Lv 3 we’ve got 6 exams to go…with AQ2016 how many exams we have to do?

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke Hi Mei Phillips, For AQ2016 L3 there will be 5 exams, however the Synoptic assessment accounts for 30% of your overall result.

Mei Phillips

Mei Phillips ok thank you 🙂

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke As now, you’ll have the two ‘advanced’ bookkeeping units, the Costing unit and the Indirect Tax unit. Gone are seperate Ethics and Spreadsheets, but these topics are still required for the overall Synoptic assessment, so the learning materials will all be very similar.

Natasha Everard

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Jane Hasler

Jane Hasler Sorry Peter didn’t see your reply there ha ha

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke Thanks all – enjoyed that 🙂 I do have to go now otherwise my Mrs will get upset and I’ll not be able to kiss the kids goodnight. So nighty nights peeps – I will check this tomorrow and make sure everything is answered!

Yulia Taylor

Yulia Taylor Thank you Peter. Have a good evening

Natasha Everard

Natasha Everard Thank you all!!

Natasha Everard's photo.